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Ace Ingredients Co., Ltd.
Acenucleus for Meat Analogue Solutions
Acenucleus for Meat Analogue Solutions
Acenucleus for Meat Analogue Solutions

Acenucleus for Meat Analogue Solutions

ACE Ingredients-Acenucleus

ACE has developed an innovative and cost-effective solution to make allergen-free vegan nuggets with excellent texture (meat-like), juiciness and very clean mouthfeel, without any unpleasant off taste (usually caused by the beany off taste of soy that is still the most used vegetable protein to make vegan products).

Types of Meat Analogues Products

Ace Plant Based Nuggets
Ace Plant Based Nuggets
  • Vegan additives bring good bite, chewiness, and juiciness

  • High fiber claim, high protein content, and good nutritional profile

  • Free from gluten, soy, egg, milk, glutamates, phosphates, artificial colors

  • Can be freeze/thaw without structural damages in plant based nuggets

  • The most clean-label product in the market

  • Can be formed in any desired shapes

  • Resistant to frying and very high cooking temperatures to provide superior shelf-life and microbiology stability without using chemical preservatives

  • Reduced cook losses and controlled water migration for better breadcrumbs crispiness

Advantages of our meat alternatives

By 2050, the global population is expected to increase by about 15 percent to more than a 9.8billion, creating unprecedented environmental and agricultural challenges. Meanwhile, global demand for meat is expected to grow by 73 percent. To meet this demand, an additional 160million tons of meat will be needed each year. Meeting the projected demand for meat will not be easy for the planet, thus many professionals find plant-based meat as alternative solutions.Ace Ingredients Acenucleus, plant-based meat analogues are developed to be a good choice for vegan nuggets

ACE Ingredients Factory Can Meet Your Vegan Nuggets Analogues Demands

Today more than ever, consumers are conscious of making responsible food choices that are notonly healthy, but also pay attention to sustainability and.ethical aspects.As.more and morepeople consider themselves strict vegetarians, vegans, flexitarians, or reduced meat consumers, the appeal of "non-slaughter" continues to grow and the potential demand for meat alternativescontinues to increase, Meat analogue solutions have been rapid growth in this product categorxAt.ACE Ingredients,we can manufacture different types of meat analogs with good bite and high fiber claim. Inquiry Now.

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