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Innovative Uses of TG Enzyme in Plant-Based Foods

Innovative Uses of TG Enzyme in Plant-Based Foods


With the vigorous development of the plant-based food market, it is particularly important to find and develop new food additives to enhance the taste, nutritional value and functional properties of plant-based foods. Among them, TG enzyme, as a natural protein cross-linking agent, shows great potential in innovative applications of plant foods. This paper will discuss the innovative application of TG enzyme in plant foods.

Introduction of TG Enzyme and Its Role in Plant Foods

TG enzyme is widely found in animals, plants and microorganisms, which can catalyze the cross-linking reaction between protein molecules and improve the texture and taste of food. In plant foods, TG enzyme can enhance the gelatinicity and elasticity of proteins, improve the water retention and chewability of foods, and thus simulate the taste of animal foods. In addition, TG enzyme can also promote the solubility of plant protein and improve the nutritional value of food.

The Application of TG Enzyme in Vegetable Protein Meat Products

Vegetable protein meat products have become a hot topic in the plant food market in recent years. The application of TG enzyme in vegetable protein meat products can significantly improve the texture and taste of the products. Through the catalytic action of TG enzyme, the cross-linking reaction occurs between plant protein molecules, forming a fibrous structure similar to animal meat, which makes plant protein meat products closer to real meat in taste. At the same time, TG enzyme can also improve the solubility of plant proteins, making the product easier to digest and absorb.

The Application of TG Enzyme in Plant-based Dairy Products

With the concern of consumers about lactose intolerance and other issues, plant-based dairy products have gradually become the new darling of the market. The application of TG enzyme in plant-based dairy products can improve the stability and taste of the products. Through the catalytic action of TG enzyme, the cross-linking reaction occurs between plant protein molecules to form a stable gel network, which makes plant-based dairy products closer to real dairy products in texture and taste. In addition, TG enzyme can also improve the solubility of plant proteins, making the product easier to process and store.

The Future Development Trend of TG Enzyme in Plant Foods

With the continuous progress of science and technology and the diversification of consumer demand, the application of TG enzyme in plant foods will show a more extensive and in-depth trend. In the future, we can expect the application of TG enzyme in more plant-based foods, such as plant-based snacks and plant-based sauces. At the same time, with the in-depth study of the action mechanism of TG enzyme, we can develop more efficient and safe TG enzyme preparations, providing more possibilities for the innovative development of plant foods. In addition, combined with other food additives and processing technologies, TG enzyme will play a more important role in plant foods and promote the continued development of the plant food market.

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